What is a Casino?


A Casino is a public place where people can play games of chance for money. Casinos often offer a variety of luxury amenities to attract and keep customers, such as restaurants, free drinks and spectacular stage shows. However, gambling establishments that provide fewer luxuries can still be called casinos.

Casinos make money by offering games with a built-in advantage for the house, which can be as low as two percent. This advantage is called the house edge, vig or rake. This advantage is built into every game offered at the casino, but it varies depending on the game and the bets placed by patrons.

Gambling most likely predates recorded history, with primitive protodice known as astragali and carved six-sided dice among the oldest archaeological finds. The modern casino has many tricks to lure gamblers, including bright lights and gaudy decor that are psychologically stimulating. Red is a popular color, since it helps players lose track of time. More than 15,000 miles (24,100 km) of neon tubing are used to light casinos along the Las Vegas Strip.

Most casinos have a policy of rewarding frequent visitors with complimentary goods and services, called comps. These include free or discounted hotel rooms, dinners, tickets to shows and limo service. In addition, the casino may offer free drinks and cigarettes while gambling. These comps are based on the amount of time and money a player spends at the casino. Players can ask for their comps from a casino employee or at the information desk.