What is a Casino?


A casino is an establishment for gambling. These are often combined with hotels, restaurants, retail shops, cruise ships or other tourist attractions. Casinos feature games of chance and are usually regulated by governments. Some countries have strict laws on the size and location of casinos, while others restrict the types of games offered or regulate their pay-outs. Casinos are also known for their customer service and offer a variety of perks to keep customers coming back.

While gambling has been around for millennia, the modern casino grew out of the 16th century gambling craze that swept Europe. These largely aristocratic clubs, called ridotti, met in private for social occasions. The word casino is probably derived from the Italian word for a small clubhouse.

Although there are exceptions, most modern casinos feature a wide range of table games including roulette, blackjack, poker and video poker. Some even have sports betting sections. Most games have a built in advantage for the house, which is called the “house edge” or vig. Depending on the game, the casino may also take a percentage of the player’s bets, which is known as the rake.

Aside from gaming, casinos are known for their entertainment offerings, with many featuring live music and performances. Some have become iconic in their own right, like the Bellagio in Las Vegas and the elegant spa town of Baden-Baden in Germany. Other famous casinos include the Monte Carlo in Monaco, the Casino de la Moyenne in France and the Casino Royal in England (which inspired Ian Fleming’s James Bond series). Gambling has always been a popular pastime, and casinos are often located in attractive cities or vacation spots.