How Do Casinos Determine the House Edge and Variance in a Casino Game?


A lot of people want to know what the house edge and variance are in a casino game, but how do casinos determine them? To answer that question, casinos rely on gaming mathematicians and computer programmers. Although most casinos don’t have their own experts, they hire outside companies to do the work. In 2005, a survey by Harrah’s Entertainment revealed that the average casino gambler was 46-year-old female, from a household with an above-average income.

Security at a casino begins on the floor, where casino employees monitor the games and patrons. Dealers tend to focus on their own games, so it’s easy to spot someone who is cheating. Table managers and pit bosses also monitor table games for signs of cheating or patterns of betting. Each of these employees has someone higher up who is always on their tail. They can also be monitored via video feeds. This means that the casino’s security measures are effective, but the overall security of the casino is still high.

While casinos have built-in advantages in terms of customer loyalty, they don’t want you to use this as an excuse to stop playing. The casino is a business, and it must make a profit. Its business model involves built-in advantages, such as the house edge. For example, the house edge is the average gross profit of a casino’s games. The longer you play, the more you will lose. But the house edge is lower in smaller casino games.